Democratizing Transformer Creation in FME Using the new Python SDK and Transformer Designer

FME introduced the Transformer Designer in combination with the FME Packages SDK Guide in FME 23 (via a closed beta), empowering FME users with a developer background to create high-quality transformers using Python. Additionally, a new Verified publisher tier will soon be launched on FME Hub, allowing partners and customers to contribute official, higher-quality content. Such content will be prominently displayed in the FME Hub Search and FME Desktop Quick Add. We are now opening this up so anyone can try it via a public beta. In this presentation, I will walk you through the process of building a transformer, which includes designing a GUI in the Transformer Designer, defining the business logic using the Package SDK, and finally publishing the Package to the FME Hub.
Presentation Details

Stewart Harper

Presenter Company:
Safe Software

The Peak of Data Integration 2023
