FME World Fair 2021 – User Stories and Effective Plate-Spinning with 1Spatial Australia

In this session, hear how our customers have used FME as an effective balancing pole to help steady their steps along the tightrope that is their data. The past year, weve seen an increased uptake in FME to help support the efforts of the pandemic, to automate data loads and to facilitate connections between disparate and varied systems and services. Join us, and hopefully their experience will help you avoid a pie in the face!
Presentation Details

Simon Laird

Co Presenter:
Sam McDonald, Priyantha Pallagama, Andrej Mocicka, Ashish Manandhar, Tom Farrington, Andrew Bashfield, Paul Drummond, Ardi Bakhtiary

Presenter Company:

FME World Fair 2021
